Million Miles

Choreograph: Markus Bhend (CMCR), Switzerland
Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance
Music: "Million Miles" by "Jetty Road" (120 BPM) or any other Polka
(or nearby any other music except Waltz)

side shuffle box with turns (sh R, 1/4 L, sh L, 1/4 L, sh R, 1/4 L, sh L)
1 & 2shuffle to R (RF step to R, LF next to RF, RF step to R)
3 & 41/4 turn to the L then shuffle to L (LF step to L, RF next to LF, LF step to L)
5 & 61/4 turn to the L then shuffle to R (RF step to R, LF next to RF, RF step to R)
7 & 81/4 turn to the L then shuffle to L (LF step to L, RF next to LF, LF step to L)

(2x) rock step forward, coaster step
1, 2RF step forward, weight back on LF
3 & 4RF step back, LF next to RF, RF step forward
5, 6LF step forward, weight back on RF
7 & 8LF step back, RF next to LF, LF step forward

(2x) step turn, shuffle forward
1, 2RF step forward, 1/2 turn to L on both feet (balls), weight at the end on LF
3 & 4shuffle forward (RF step forward, LF next to RF, RF step forward)
5, 6LF step forward, 1/2 turn to R on both feet (balls), weight at the end on RF
7 & 8shuffle forward (LF step forward, RF next to LF, LF step forward)

(2x) side rock step, behind side cross
1, 2RF step to R, then weight back on LF
3 & 4RF cross behind LF, LF step to L, RF cross in front of LF
5, 6LF step to L, then weight back on RF
7 & 8LF cross behind RF, RF step to R, LF cross in front of RF

repeat from the beginning

If you dance to the original music, a small tag of 2 counts has to be inserted between the 7th and the 8th wall. Suggestion: a side rock step to the right.

RF: Right Foot
LF: Left Foot
R: Right
L: Left
sh: Shuffle